Archives for category: engaged

It’s been an amazing year filled with some truly beautiful and inspiring weddings but I think we see enough of that on social media, so I’ve dug out a few of my favourite moments from weddings this year, which belong on the Wedding Bonus DVD, if such a thing existed.  Some are romantic, some are super-cute, some are just downright hilarious; I hope you enjoy them as much I did capturing them…..

The moment this stunning bride first saw her makeup…..ian-sally-wedding-079

The moment these bridesmaids went for a final pre-ceremony selfie….andrew-sarah-059

The moment this bride thanked her mum for being there for her……jessica-david-032

The moment after the bride’s mum and sister saw her for the first time in her dress….ian-sally-wedding-246

The moment they did shots to calm the bride’s nerves….jessica-david-110

The moment the veil literally blew away….jana-richard-69-2

The moment the little girl screamed for a tiara of her own…..rachel-christos-115

The moment the Best Man revealed his feminine side….tara-david-254

The moment this bride got all her ducks in a row (well, swans actually)…..jana-richard-230

The moment this groom took a selfie with an unsuspecting me in it….rachel-christos-339

The moment this usher had had enough…..jessica-david-254

The moment when the bridesmaids were trying to make the baby smile and nearly fell down the hill themselves….rachel-christos-348

The moment this bride revealed a personalised wedding dress to her hubby….tara-david-298

The moment she took a deep breath to steady herself….ian-sally-wedding-192

The moment he slapped her during the speeches (harmlessly I might add)….tara-david-442

The moment they got in a bit of last minute dance practice….rachel-christos-367

The moment the magician showed up….jessica-david-581

The moment she laughed in his face at the alter….ian-sally-wedding-384

The moment the drunk Uncle worked is magic….jana-richard-259

The moment the kids all looked at me at once (not easy)……ian-sally-wedding-541

And my personal favourite – the moment the helicopter owned by the manager of a very famous football club landed as we were in the middle of taking a lovely serene couple shot, and by way of apology, the passenger gifted this lucky couple a 15 minute flight over the Cotswolds – what an epic way to end their romantic day and this 2016 roundup….


I hope you’ve enjoyed this, featured within this blog are the following locations:

Foxhill Manor

The Bear of Rodborough

Wyck Hill House Hotel

Ellenborough Park

The Lynch Country House

I wish you all a very happy New Year, see you in 2017!!

Stef X


A picture speaks a thousand words, but sometimes all you need is two.

I was thinking along the lines of “true” & “love”  – I certainly didn’t expect “chicken” and “bear” but everyone is different and that’s what makes me love this job!

Emily & James-12

I had a great jaunt in the countryside shooting Emily & James’s pre-wedding shoot last weekend and just had to share a few shots from this gorgeously cute couple.

We hoped across the Cotswolds to Mickleton Farm just outside Chipping Campden to recci their wedding venue for October this year and to have a bit of a play around and get this couple raring to go before the big day!

Why have an Engagement or Pre-wedding shoot?

Not all weddings take place at venues we’ve shot at before, as there are often tucked away and unique places that we haven’t had the pleasure of working at, so if it’s combined with a venue recci, an engagement or pre-wedding shoot can give us a great insight into good areas to shoot on the big day for formal and informal shots as well as those all important couple shots, and it can also help us to identify where there will be good light and possible sunset opportunities too.

Most importantly, a pre-wedding shoot can really calm your nerves so that you feel more comfortable in front of the camera on the big day itself and also helps to create a really great relationship with your chosen tog!

Why do you need a good relationship with your photographer?

If we have an opportunity to get to know you a little better and get to see how you are with the camera, we can therefore gauge your likes and dislikes and really get to know what you’re all about – this helps enormously for the big day itself as we can key in to those things you’ve highlighted to us on your pre-wedding shoot and really focus on what’s important to you.

(Of course, that’s not to say that this can’t be conveyed through conversation if a pre-wedding shoot is not an option, but as they say, preparation is key and this can only help to ensure you and your tog are on the same wavelength).

For this couple, that’s love, laughter and happiness which I think you’ll agree this gorgeous pair have in droves and I can’t wait for their big day now, as I know it’ll be a right giggle too!

A beautiful country-loving couple so in love

                                                       A beautiful country-loving couple so in love

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